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Learning From Other Gardens

Great Plants, Pathways, Art and Whimsy, and Stonework that can Enhance Your Own Garden With Henry Homeyer

Henry Homeyer, a life-long organic gardener, is a UNH Master Gardener and the author of four gardening books. Hailing from Cornish Flats, New Hampshire, Henry is a regular contributor to the Saturday Gardening section of The Valley News. His gardening articles appear in 11 other newspapers throughout New England. Henry is heard monthly on Vermont Public Radio and has written for the New York Times and the Boston Globe.

Henry will present a slide show of gardens in New England, Oregon, and France and will identify plants to grow locally. Henry will also provide design tips from other great gardens.

Location: The Quechee Club

April 22

Earth Day

May 7

Quechee Green-Up Day